Sunday, September 8, 2013


Many times we take things granted....but all of sudden we realize that no --EVERYTHING THAT STARTS HAS AN END AND EVERYTHING THAT ENDS HAS  A START.

Life is full of experiences and it should be.
The most important lesson we learn is-
Regardless we move or not
Regardless we sit and cry or mourn or not
Regardless we fit or not

So make sure to recollect yourself, So make sure to stand up and say--LETS BE ALIVE.
Alive for people we LOVE
Alive for smile we DESERVE
Alive for dreams we CARVED.

And last but not least FORGIVE. Everything starts from our own garden-- so start by forgiving yourself. We make mistakes, we should make them if we didnt -- we would have stayed more dumb.
So forgive yourself and one day WE will be able to FORGIVE OTHERS.

:) Peace out Bro..!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sometimes I feel that beauty is a curse

Yes, being beautiful lady  has following advantage:
 + No need to try to get attention (it comes free with looks)
+ Many time no need to justify your style or choice ( it becomes popular anyways)
+ Most of the time you end up getting opposite sex attention ( I mean enough attention/ more than desired )

In one line you get "attention" without any effort, brain or knowledge.

"Some" negatives of being beautiful

- For Single guys:- if you are beautiful and on top if you are polite/humble/approachable /can talk nicely = Amazing sign  (can be a start of a relation ,I mean unwanted relation, a misunderstood relation)
-For Single guys again:-, if you don't talk nicely = MEAN, RUDE, ARROGANT, ATTITUDE
-For Rapists:- potential victim
-For Sexual abuser - a potential victim
-For a committed but "fuddu" guys:- a fair option to keep
-For a guy classmate:- someone to impress, show his "man-ism"
-For a honest loving guy interested in you :- someone who can ditch him at any time
-For a guy who wants to have you just to take the crown of popularity on him and walk with pride of being with a CELEB ( In other words show that he is SOMETHING) :- A MATERIAL to RULE and IMPRESS
-For a handsome guy : Start with flirt, might sleep with you and leave you as he is "HANDSOME"
-For a beautiful and jealous girl ( in-short beauty with no brain) : A FOOL TO NEVER APPROACH
-For a less less pretty and more insecure girl: A BIMBOO/SHOWOFF/NOT MY TYPE
-For an interviewer: A PRETTY face to hire

ABOVE ALL: WHO is the one who suffers the most, "YOU".

There were times, when I know that a guy is checking me out and I still cant say or do anything, but just fear that he might not be a rapist, or he might break in my house, or he might follow me.
There were times when I am approached just to hook someone up with some other girl.
In Engineering, guys become so dominant that any help, or any social network becomes near to impossible.

However Being an Engineer, I just cant sleep without a solution in my life. Here is what I believe
* Stay ARROGANT or CARRY ATTITUDE to filter out unwanted attention. This also keeps you away from rapists and abusers as they tend not to attack a CONFIDENT PERSONALITY, who has potential to defend themselves. They look for more easy  victims who cannot protect themselves.

*Stay friendly to all those pretty girls as well to those who are not: Girls changes their views once they know you have a brain and caring heart with this pretty face, they will respect you more.

*NEVER BECOME OVER-FRIENDLY TO A GUY: untill unless you have liking for him and want to start a relation. Learn to be NEUTRAL, OR IF NOT STAY ARROGANT OR SELFISH.

* JUDGE GUYS: From their behavior many times it is quiet obvious if they are interested in you are not, don't stay dumb and go with the flow. STOP BEING A VICTIM OF UNWANTED RELATIONS.

*LAST BUT NOT LEAST. ..LOVE YOURSELF AND PROTECT NO MATTER WHAT. Be prepared to fight, Be Strong and Face the world

* IF you are in Engineering, learn to build PROFESSIONAL FRIENDSHIP.  Help to those who help, TA's, Teachers should be first approach. Moreover, join or make a women groups to climb the ladder.
And if things are going out of way, COME OUT FRANK.

Some Miracles that we should always learn to appreciate and consider blessed
++** there are girls who are beautiful, confident and is not jealous of you =  Good and even Best friend
++** there are girls who themselves are not pretty but are very confident and secured in their skin = good/ best friends
++**There can be a COMMITTED  guy who is very well focused in his career, some times nerd, and is honestly interested to be "JUST FRIEND" spend some time in the most humble and respectable way

Always learn to respect these people and keep them in your priority.